Day 27: St. Paul Winter Carnival snow sculptures

The snow made for a festive feel at the Snow Park.
The snow made for a festive feel at the Snow Park.

Took a quick, family outing to look at the Saint Paul Winter Carnival snow sculptures. The overcast skies, white sculptures and falling snow didn’t make photographing the statues all that rewarding, so I improvised by taking a picture of my wife for image #27.

The artists start with a large block of snow.  This is larger than life-sized.
The artists start with a large block of snow. This is larger than life-sized.
27_1 puzzle man
The ‘Puzzle Man’ was creative, sort of like an M.C. Esher drawing.  See what I mean about the shots being ‘not very rewarding’?

7 thoughts on “Day 27: St. Paul Winter Carnival snow sculptures

  1. This is an interesting project. I like your choice of the image you chose. The happy expression your wife is showing along with the snow on her hood kind of say more about what is happening than nice photos of the sculptures could have.

    1. I agree with you. Thank you. This is one of my favorite pictures of my wife. Besides, taking pictures of white sculptures against a white sky while it was snowing was beyond me, I couldn’t get anything to turn out.

    2. just a quick follow up…wordpress is phenomenal…through it a skilled artist like yourself takes the time to view and comment on one of my photos. Amazing, and thanks again. Your shots are brilliant.

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